Powertex halloween project metallic goblets

Halloween Powertex projects

Halloween decorations with Powertex It’s time to get your Powertex out and make your Halloween decorations. From ghosts and goblets to garden sculptures, Powertex is perfect for your Autumn crafting. What do I need to know about Powertex? Powertex Universal Medium is very versatile. Use it as a hardener for Read more…

Mixing Powertex colours

Powertex colour mixing

What is Powertex colour mixing and why do I need it? Powertex Universal Medium comes in a range of 10 great colours but sometimes we want to work with something different. Powertex colours are all mixable and they won’t split or separate. Mixing your colours will keep all the properties Read more…

Powertex art and craft supplies

Powertex resources and links

Are you looking for Powertex resources and links to get you started? Powertex Universal Medium is a mixed media art and craft supply that is a fabric hardener, paint and adhesive. The range of products is huge so maybe you need some tips or a workshop. This article has everything Read more…

Autumn wreath with Powertex

Autumn Wreath

Creating seasonal decorations like this Autumn wreath is easy with Powertex. The fabric hardener is also weatherproof after three weeks so it’s the perfect product if you want to decorate your front door or garden. Use any Autumnal embellishments and shapes to customise your piece or create for any season.