I intended to write a blog about how I use Powertex Bister granules this week. Particularly my favourite blue ones, on Ivory Powertex with some Rusty Powder thrown in. However, we can't always get straight to the art table and open the Powertex so this is what I do instead. There are lots of ways to gather inspiration but this is how I use photos to inspire my art later.

Because we can't always get straight to the Powertex!

I enjoyed a beautiful walk home along Brighton beach one morning. Here in the UK the June weather has been wild with plenty of grey skies and rain, so the sun was welcome. These photos are perfect for reminding me of colours and shapes on the beach that I can use later.

Photo of West Pier to inspire my paintings

This part of the beach with the remains of the West Pier is my favourite place. The pier was originally opened in 1866 but has been disintegrating for almost 30 years. I love the structure of it, the lines and shapes it makes coming out of the sea at low tides are stunning. The pole structures are covered in interesting textures and metal shapes. These colours are wonderful and people take photos here every day.

Getting inspired when there’s no time for art

My top tip has to be look closer! There are incredible textures and colours all around but we don’t usually stop to really see them. It’s easy to walk down the same street for the thousandth time and not really see what’s there. But I guarantee, wherever your are, there is something there you haven’t seen before. Even in your own home.

Photo of Rusty texture on pole to inspire art
Rusty Metal fixings
Rusty metal cover with design

Using photos to inspire art

I love to take photos of the sea in it’s many colours as well as close up photos of textures. This landscape inspires my Powertex paintings. The colours, textures and shapes all make an appearance. I use Rusty Powder, Blue Bister and mdf shapes to recreate these textures and colours. I’m trying to get a little of the aging, decaying and sometimes stormy atmosphere of the wrecked pier.

How I inspire my art with photos Art inspired by photo of west pier beach Powertex canvas by Kore Sage

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little peek into my home city but you don’t need a beach and a broken pier to inspire your art. Take snaps of your favourite places and use the colours and shapes you see to put the “feeling” of the place in your art. Now where did I put that Rusty Powder?

I’ve written a series of blogs about using Powertex as a beginner. These articles were originally designed to support my Powertex students after they’d left the class.  Although there’s lots here for complete beginners. From questions about Powertex and plastic to creating mixed media art textures you can find a range of information. Take a look if you’d like to know more about using Powertex.

You can also see some of my original Powertex art in my Gallery.

Categories: BlogsPowertex