Powertex planets with Bister, Art by Kore Sage

Powertex Bister Planets

Powertex Bister art If you’ve been following my series of articles on using Powertex Bister in mixed media art, you might be ready to try a project. This Powertex Bister planets painting was created for the Powertex UK design team and was originally published in the Powertex UK magazine. It’s Read more…

Powertex pastel bottle vases by Kore Sage

Highlight your Powertex project in easy steps

A simple way to use Powertex Universal Medium is to use fabric or mixed media to create a project such as a figure, sculpture or canvas. Then highlight the textures to make them visible, which is very effective and feels like magic! This highlighting is often referred to as “dry brushing”. The steps are simple and I’m throwing in some hot tips to make the most of them. (more…)